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ghastley wrote:
There's a bird called the Ruff, because the male of the species has a ring of long feathers around his neck for display purposes. The Female of the species is a reeve - because she's a ruff without a ruff. They're Eurasian, no similar US variety that I know of.

And Ruffs and Reeves eat crickets, just to complete the circle.

Sorry Ghastley our mistake. That bird surly is a Ruff. Now you say they eat cricket, The game or the bug? Now what do you call a flying mammal that has six legs, eats bugs and uses sonar? A cricket-bat what else. Pictures of this animal are hard to find for some reason a web search gets you pictures of Kookaburra Kahuna that can not fly but make things fly instead.


I own a Kookaburra Angry Beast as I could not afford the Kookaburra Kahuna. If you are wondering yes I do play. Learned in Australia played there and in India. What a way to spend a few days