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kathycf wrote:
Hey girl:
I slipped on my stairs Friday coming down in the early morning for the bathroom. I was half asleep and well, anyway, I woke up pretty quickly after three steps. It was too painful to sit at the computer for any length of time but luckily I did not break any bones. I'm trying to figure out what the big bruise on my hip/upper thigh area looks like. I'm thinking maybe it's shaped like Florida.


Sorry to hear you fell down the stairs. Happy that you did not break any bones. Wow a bruise that looks like Florida. I guess that is better than a bruise that looks like New York, Texas or Alaska. We must be getting old Kathy because I fall down too, when I least expect it. I have a bruise on my inner ankle from falling off my bicycle that looks like the The Small Magellanic Cloud, or Nubecula Minor. Big smile It is not a huge bruise that is why I picked the small cloud instead of the big one. Insane