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RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
I'm sorry to say I came close to registering a thumbs down on episode 0, for things like:

- ignoring the flashing red journal symbol in the bottom right of the screen after collecting the first quest from the opening cutscene;
- not opening inventory to show and explain what you'd picked up the first few times;
- not bothering to equip fire shot and zap spells - it would have been nice, for viewers new to the game, to see the spells being used once or twice, just for show; also to see a switch over to bow;
- irritating short cuts and splices early on - let viewers get used to "boring" bits before starting to skip them, and find a good way to mark the transitions when you do.

Looks like you need more practice with the party controls. That earlier run from crypts exit to town, shown towards the end of the video, with Ulora recruited yet left to her fate, following behind - why didn't you have both of them selected to run the gauntlet side by side?

The video was pretty jagged, I agree. But I think it was more of an unofficial video that is just trying to show a few things and basically doing a speed run to Stonebridge. At least that's the impression I got. I did feel sort of bad for poor Ulora though, gosh. Sad

I think the "official" video series might be multiplayer?