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Sharkull's picture

I don't consider this petty corp. warfare... M$ is acting in it's own best interest, and there's nothing wrong with that in this instance. The truth is that consmers benefit from corporate competition (more choices, better prices, improved feature sets...). The absence of competition (i.e. a monopoly) is absolutely a real problem for consumers, but I don't think M$ will kill Linux or the Open Source movement. M$ selling software that runs on Linux can actually be a good thing (more quality options for consumers).

My understanding of the linked article:
M$ wants to be able to sell software that runs on Linux (which is becoming a major competing platform in the PC OS market), while keeping their trade secrets and complete control over their own software (something the GPL doesn't permit... if I'm understanding the article correctly). I don't blame M$ for wanting to profit from and control their software... that seems reasonable to me. What M$ can't do is tell other people how their IP is handled (i.e. M$ can't undo the GPL). If M$ has found a technical / legal loophole in the GPL... well... it certainly is an interesting development.