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kathycf wrote:
I would like to refresh my memory about Fortress Kroth and the surrounding area. I remember wandering around and finding a cave with a drake in it (in the stretch of land before the encounter with Gresh.

No drake in that cave in the original game. Not in my copy. The cave is unoccupied, but not empty - it does have a good treasure chest. I've confirmed this first from a copious write-up I did at the time, and secondly just now with tank viewer. If I'm thinking of the right cave that is. For the Legendary Mod, iryan put a Bone Drake into it.

There is of course another cave further on, a more interesting one, if we explore to the side before entering the Droog village.

I was in despair last night. "De Pit of De Spear" that is. I finished it this morning. I played Utraean Peninsular original once (using Myros' mod) and Legendary Mod's version when beta testing, but never the Legends of Utraea version. So last few weeks, I've been remedying that omission.

kathycf wrote:
"fetch me a shrubbery" quests don't offer much in the way of interesting plot
No? Ni! How about cutting down the tallest tree in the forest, then? (With a herring.)