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kathycf wrote:
I wish my multiplayer was working

Did you ever check whether your Windows had been infected by (Trusteer) Rapport like mine was? Thank you Microsoft. I got rid of it so quick I cannot now test whether it messed up DS1 multiplayer but it looks to be exactly the type of thing that would.

I cheated on Pit of Despair by getting out the maps I'd made first time I played it. It may have been darker (up until the Ankh door) in original UP than in LoU, but LoU has enemies to get us turned round when fighting them so we forget where we'd come from and which way we were going, whereas the original did not.

You know GPG messed up, doing the mazes as what must be two regions? We leave the first region through a door needing three skulls, call that "A", and return from the overhead walkways through a doorway "B". On one side, the first one, B is southeast of A, but on the other side it is northwest!