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I know I shouldn't wait so long to call or ask for help. I just feel like I should tough it out or stop being a baby or whatever. Completely logical, no? Wink And I know you aren't ragging on me Lili, you are absolutely correct about that.

Actually, the medication thing was completely stupid and not on my part, haha. The local hospital has my medical info on file and my primary care provider received an emergency report from the hospital. The ER nurse was able to read which meds I am allergic to on my record, one of which is erythromycin, an antibiotic. The hospital gave me an iv drip of azithromycin and prescribed some tablets of it as well. The pharmacy refused to release the prescription because they said that the two drugs were in the same "family", and thus likely to cause a reaction. Or some such crap.

The ER nurse had said something odd, like somehow I had mispronounced erythromycin and meant azithromycin or what ever, but the information was right there on the computer. Like somehow I don't know what I'm talking about. It was just weird.

The doctor said a few weird things too. So, he's telling me about the chest x-ray and looks down at me and then says "You don't look like you get much sun". Nope, I don't. I explain about skin cancer on my father's side and that's why. He nods and says again, "yeah, but you don't get much sun". Yes, I am pale! What's the point and who cares? Does he want me to go all willy-nilly and get a late fall suntan?

Here's the thing. I'm secretly a vampire ( we all know vamps don't like sun) and I've got a cunning plan to get pneumonia and then...something something. Doc then tells me I'm not allergic to erythromycin and that most people get the upset stomach as a reaction to the drug. I tell him I had gotten hives after taking it. Doctor Sunshine gets all frowny face at that.

So then my boyfriend speaks up about the pain I've been having and what can the sun, er, what can the doctor do about that? The doc is standing by the curtain facing away from us and says "Well, it's like the Old West. I have an old bullet I can give her to bite down on." So I say "Oh, I'm not that rugged" and then he walks off.

I don't know. I really don't.
Plus, I'm kind of pale.

And H. *Hugs* to you to.