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Hi kathy and bare_elf:

I'm using the one that bare_elf uses but I've also tried your version as well without success.
My system
Win 10 pro 1909 Os build 18363.752, Display is widescreen 1920\1200.

DS_Tankviewer_102 is the main directory, TankCreator and everything related to modding DS is inside the DS_Tankviewer_102 and they're all inside their own dedicated directories, no screw ups that way kathy.
The Tankcreator loads but the create tab is half missing and there is no browse function either, every tab I can see works but Tankcreator will not create a .dsres, I played around with the scaling for the program but nothing would get it to change much.

Anyway I copied the DS_Tankviewer_102 and slapped it on my win 7 pro laptop, both systems have the same user name so there was no chance of a screw up there, yep you guessed right, it worked first time, as I knew it would do.

One of these is causing the problem.
Win 10 Pro itself, 6\4 favourite me thinks, the Os build 18363.752 15\8 second favourite or an outsiders bet would be the widescreen monitor and related drivers 66\1.

How did you reduce the scaling on the Tankcreator kathy as I can't find nothing that relates to reducing it in the Tankcreator properties.

kathycf wrote:
Tankcreator2 got a bit tricksy with me the other day and saved the file in my documents and I simply could not see the stupid thing. I retanked the mod and directed the output to my desktop. No problem then.

I just might have the answer for you for that little problem kathy but getting it to work is a hit and miss affair, most of your games should work ok with this but small 3rd party apps is where the hit and miss comes into play. I'm surprised that your DS is working as I had to do this for half a dozen games that use the documents folder to save their games, oh yeah and one of the apps that didn't work was DS2 All Saves.

The problem was Microsoft KB4541335
Depending on which version of Win10 you are running, there was a recent Windows 10 update I installed that added Ransomware Protection to lock down your "Documents"/"My Documents" from being unintentionally changed.
Go to Settings then Update & Security then Windows Security then Virus & Threat protection then scroll down to the Ransomware protection, select Manage ransomware protection, "Controlled folder access" might be the culprit as it was in my case. If its turned off turn it on and select "Allow an app through Controlled folder access" the next screen gives you a "+ Add an allowed app" select that box and then "Browse all apps" select DSLOA - Shortcut, your game might be Dungeon Siege so select that instead and voila your games should work just like mine are doing.