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Books! Books! Books!

A new theme thread for discussing everything about... you guessed it: Books! Smile

What are you reading right now? What are your favorite books? Who are your favorite authors? What kind of books do you like? Non-fiction? Fiction? Adventure? Suspense? Poetry? Mystery? Textbooks on computer game modification...? Wink


To start things off, I'm almost finished reading Frank Herbert's "Dune" series (started the sixth and final book, Chapterhouse Dune, a couple days ago). If you're not familiar with the series, apparently it's the "Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time" (according to the self-promotion inside the front cover). I find the books to be quite entertaining, as well as deep enough to be thought-provoking at times. I'm really enjoying the series and wish I read this stuff years ago (the last book was published in 1985). I don't think they're better than my all-time favorites, but are certainly worth a re-read at some time in the future (if I have the time).

I'll post details of my favorites if this thread draws any interest.