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Moros wrote:

Ooooh Kathy, you filthy minded brazen little hussy. Shock

The girls and I have a special relationship in these here parts you know, yeah, I provide them with everything they need, krug, monsters, weapons n things, and they provide me with all the entertainment I might require, they're even talking about wearing some skimpy body armour for the beach, that's if I will get them some.
I'm beginning to suspect that you yanks are starting to corrupt my girls, the next time I turn them on I'll play all the way through to the Eastern Swamp and they can spend a month in the Church to cleanse there souls. After that If they still want the skimpy body armour I'll go looking for some for them.

"Hussy"? Are you still stuck in that submarine from 1943? Tongue I'm not a hussy, I was referencing Monty Python. Nobody expects the random "wink wink" reference!

Besides,that church in the swamp is corrupted and chock full of zombies. You will hardly get any soul cleansing there. Maybe the Shrine of the Passion in Stonebridge would be a better choice. Wink

When I was very little, my mother used to threaten us with "washing our mouths out with soap". This was a frequent occurrence as she would threaten soap when we said just about anything. Being a curious child, I decided to see what this was all about and washed my own mouth out. Turns out soap is gross.

BTW, before you speak of us Yanks corrupting your girls, you might take a gander at these Monty Python Lyrics and/or these. Seems like you Brits are plenty naughty yourselves.

I'm just *cough* yanking *cough* your chain, all in fun. Smile