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bare_elf wrote:

Wren wrote:

Hello! Long-time snooper, first-time poster. I'm looking for a DS2 mod that allowed me to have an item called a Dryad Bow, capable of shotting three arrows at once. It was overpowered and heaps of fun with a Blood Assassin focussed on using Marks to buff damage (each arrow created its own Mark, which in turn meant many *many* more Marks if you specced into Shockwave, Penetrating Shot, or both)and I would very much like to experience that again, but I can't remember which mod created this amazing weapon and I certainly cannot find it in stores at the moment. I'm running Legendary with Aranna Legacy and Elys for compatability notes. If anyone knows the mod I'm talking about, I'd love to hear about it! Help a girl out?

KillerGermal had a mod like that. Here is what it says on his site "Dungeon Siege II - Outpost"

For: DS2 v2.2, v2.3/Addon - mod discontinued

To avoid mod compatibility issues due to the complex balance tuning it's now integrated in the Hotfix and Aranna Legacy mod.


In DS2 the Dryads are described as almost plant-like beings with a strong affinity for ranged combat.
The Multi-Shot feature will seize this part of the story allowing you to draw a bow with more than one arrow at once as soon as you are enchanted with a special buff spell that will share all gained experience equally on ranged and nature magic.

So you most likely already have it, because you are running Aranna Legacy Mod. There may be others I will put my thinking cap on.

Hey bare_elf, thank you for your diligence - I'm aware of KG's site and mods but I don't think the mod I am looking for is attributale to them. In the mod I'm looking for, its not a spell or buff that does the multishot but an actual bow with the buff built-in. Not opposed to using a spell at all, but of course to get the Marks and appropriate damage I'm running ranged/combat on my archer (that way she can do debuffs when needed to help out my combat mage, too).