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Dryad bow? Searching for a mod! |
Submitted by Wren on Fri, 2020-07-03 02:18 | ||
Hello! Long-time snooper, first-time poster. I'm looking for a DS2 mod that allowed me to have an item called a Dryad Bow, capable of shotting three arrows at once. It was overpowered and heaps of fun with a Blood Assassin focussed on using Marks to buff damage (each arrow created its own Mark, which in turn meant many *many* more Marks if you specced into Shockwave, Penetrating Shot, or both)and I would very much like to experience that again, but I can't remember which mod created this amazing weapon and I certainly cannot find it in stores at the moment. I'm running Legendary with Aranna Legacy and Elys for compatability notes. If anyone knows the mod I'm talking about, I'd love to hear about it! Help a girl out? |
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