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kathycf wrote:

Longshen wrote:

Hi All,

I've noticed that some armors will allow you to see your full boot when wearing them, whereas other armors will reduce your boots to *shoes*.

This also happens with gloves as well.

Is there a template command or some way to modify armor to force full boot and/or full gloves to be seen when worn?

The gas file that relates to this is located in world\global and is called "Armor Lookup". I don't do 3D modelling, but based on ChickenGeorge's reply it's not something to mess around with unless you are familiar with modelling, gmax and all that other stuff.

// This file needs to be relocated to the peroper location! --biddle [armor_subtype_lookup] { // armor body type = boot sub-type, gauntlet sub-type

a1 = b, b;
a2 = b, b;
a3 = a, a;
a4 = a, a;
a5 = a, a;
a6 = a, a;
a7 = c, a;
a8 = a, a;
a9 = a, a;

@Longshen and @kathycf
You both are geniuses! Bravo to both of you.
I just tested an edit to the armor_lookup.gas file and the results were promising indeed.
I just switched armors 1 through 6 to b, b.
When loading the game, at first it did nothing.
But I took off the suit and put it back on,
and the gloves and boots are no longer mittens and shoes.

Well done Longshen and kathycf.
This is very good information to know.
Well, I get excited over this stuff anyways.