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bare_elf wrote:
The hedgehogs suggested it might be better to test the boater home on a shorter trip first. They suggested we drive to San Diego. Launch the boat section of the boater home and store the truck part at a boat storage yard and then do a trip around the Baja peninsula. Think we will do that instead. Would not want to be totally out of touch Smile Gone maybe 3 weeks. We would also have Internet access the whole time.

Before you bugger off on your adventures elfy, can you upload that xskins mod first, some of us will be freezing our ass off in the winter months and a little project such as the xskins mod will give me something to do.

I think I'm gonna invite David Attenborough down here for a coffee as the local wildlife all seems to be converging in my back garden.
Talking about hedgehogs elfy, I've had 3 of them visiting my garden this last year, ever since I've been feeding the wild birds who have been getting more boisterous by the week a dark cloud has suddenly calmed them all down this last month, Yeah, I've got two raptors visiting my garden, Sparrow hawks to be precise, I noticed a load of feathers on the lawn last week and on Monday I saw the male tearing the feathers off a freshly killed sparrow, poor thing, but as David says its nature in its rawest form.
I'll tell you now elfy the first time I see a pterodactyl in the skies I'm going to order some bloody SAM missiles, so I might be asking you lot for a small donation towards it if I see any.