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I haven't opened and looked at the ribbons mod as yet kathy but it doesn't seem to work in my game, if you actually told us what it adds or modifies that would do for starters, that small map mod gives an exception error by the way, so then I just tried out the ribbon thingie on a new game (LOA exe with the DS1 map), I created a new character and there was nothing extra in there so I played it through all the way to Wesrin Cross, nothing dropped on the way there so I'm assuming this Ribbon thingie doesn't work.

Unless of course you've got these ribbon thingies (I keep calling these Ribbons "thingies", until I know different that's what they will be called) dropping much later in the game, as in when I've died a horrible death waiting for something to happen, so when you've stopped being cranky and have finished your full exorcist thingie in the health office could you please let us into the inner secrets of this Ribbon mod of yours.

A confused Limey is just thinking out loud that one of these weirdo Yanks is a potential bloody basket case, just be careful you bloody lunatic as you could end up on our 10 o'clock news one night, you must be more nuts than us Limeys are kathy because you've got as many shrinks in your neck of the woods as the whole bloody world put together. Tongue