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Moros wrote:

You seem to be back to your usual vibrant self kathy, did they give you something for your nausea because playing DS1 and uploading the xskins mod and fixing up your ribbon thingie suggests that you're back to your usual top notch form, what did they give you then?, no, no, no don't tell me because I can guess.

A question kathy, I've never even clicked on the multiplayer tab so how would one go about playing a game in multiplayer then?, and do explain things as you would do when explaining things to an eight year old child. I might have 2 degrees in stupidity and a phd in being an obnoxious pillock but they aren't going to help me out on this one are they.

Do you play with yourself or are you playing with other players, "< I've been told that doesn't sound right when I read it out loud", hmmmm, they're right as well, it doesn't sound right but, you know what I mean and that's all that counts, just one more thing kathy, do you need to play a special map or can you just play with the MpWorld.dsmap?. Enough questions for one post, I'll ask any other ones in another post.

Aw, you smooth talker. Wink

What is your video? It's showing an error message for me.

Well, I haven't had a chance yet to fix the ribbons, so the mod is still pretty bland. I have the armor level set for 8, which is why I think they aren't dropping as loot or showing in stores in the very low level areas, that is something I definitely need to work on.

When viewing the multiplayer menu, ignore the button for Zonematch; it's been gone for years. Choose whichever of the other two options you want, I don't think it really matters. I go with internet and host my own game and then it's just me, myself and I. Tongue

I've used lan only when playing a game w/ my boyfriend and that was ages ago. If you wanted to play with another person over the internet you would give your ip # for them to connect (if you are hosting) and vice versa if they host. I suppose at that point you will need to fiddle with Win Defender.

You can play any map that you have available in your maps folder, unless the author of the map specifies otherwise. I used the Utraen Peninsula map, the LoA map and Ehb.

Once in the staging area, don't forget to set your game options. Hope that helps! Smile