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I found raven and hired her today, the silly mare has developed a black eye overnight, she said she got it fighting the krug, me thinks she got it when she was washing the pots in the kitchen and she caught her eye on the cupboard door, krug indeed, me thinks this bint should be up on a theatre stage, no, not acting, but bloody sweeping it. Tongue
As for Deadeye Eviee she looks as though she's fallen out of an ugly tree, she'd only have to look at a krug and they'd run away terrified to death, fancy shooting, more like fancy staring.
Enough mickey taking for now, my new ponytail gang are on their way to Fallraean, I've forgot what we're going to do there so I'll have to re-read the journal again.

I downloaded the Legends of Utrae mod and had a quick read of it, the trouble with it is the quests can be broken so easily, when I get round to it I'll have to watch out for that.