If the revived_ribbon_testkat28 template had no [equip_limit] block at all, would it not inherit the race_match from base_farmgirl_ribbon? Same for inventory_height and inventory_width in [gui].
Likewise, with armor_style, armor_style and inventory_icon in [defend] and [gui], surely they are unnecessary in the [pcontent] parts. Unless, of course, kathy's plan is to make them different later, say 1007 by default but 1008 for the defense 5 variant, 1009 for the defense 8, and so on.
@RSimpkinuk57. Yep, I'm sure you're right but until kathy can test it out and get it working its pointless in cutting out anymore as yet, she'll be able to test it out with your added suggestions when she finally has it up and running, as for the pcontent part, we don't know what her final plan is concerning that, I'm sure she'll let us know about it sooner or later though.
@RSimpkinuk57. Yep, I'm sure you're right but until kathy can test it out and get it working its pointless in cutting out anymore as yet, she'll be able to test it out with your added suggestions when she finally has it up and running, as for the pcontent part, we don't know what her final plan is concerning that, I'm sure she'll let us know about it sooner or later though.