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Thanks for the compliments you guys. Smile

bare_elf wrote:

If the standard UV maps have the arms and legs (t-position) divided by front and back, then I would like to see what the Top/Bottom would look like.
I for sure would like to see the arms and if possible the legs separated so there is a unique appearance for each. That way you could have one arm covered with a long sleeve and one either half covered or sleeveless.

I'm trying to visualize how the divided front/back and top/bottom uv maps would look, but I'm having some difficulty w/ that. Having the arms/legs separated would lead to some interesting looking items. Possibilities....hmmm.

Here are a few of the textures I'm thinking of using for some more armor. The textures pictured below are mostly public domain plus I'm going to use some of my own original stuff. I can make cloth or metallic looking textures w/ Gimp and a few other paint programs. I really like making textures and modifying some of the original Dungeon Siege items, but I get soooo lazy when it comes time to put the templates together.

A few fun things for St. Valentine's Day. Love