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Here's a nice resource of lorebooks:
Seems to be incomplete tho. Also contains books from DS2 & DS3.

History of the Empire of Stars

Seems that Gas Powered Games already had in mind that the EoS was only "the second mightiest empire in all the history of the world" when they created vanilla DS1.

I always thought that LoA's creation of the even bigger and older Utraean Empire was kind of a lame attempt to create epicness - this lorebook reconciles me a bit Smile

A Guide to Jherkal's Crown

Here is even talking about "maybe some [displacers] from BEYOND the world". This might or might not mean stars, and is only speculation. Nevertheless...

Now that's rather annoying: If you were to make DS fanfic of interstellar travel, I'd prefer it to be based on the Empire of *Stars* not the Utraean Empire. But maybe both were starfarers, okay. Also, the only way to pull off such travelling in a DS map would obviously be teleport platforms, which in DS lore only ever belonged to the Utraeans.