i know i didnt download it cause just now reading this...i will test the camo on a ds issued armor if i ever get myself away from swtor long enough that is, was just throwing the camo out there to see if it could be done, i think most of the ds original armor is ugly so it nice seeing new works for this game. and i can understand not wanting people to have access to their works, there was a time i saw my mods on sites that i didnt upload too, and i got bitter and started making eulas that barred distribution and such.
Moros wrote:
kathycf wrote:ChickenGeorge I apologize about this. I took the mesh attachment packet down, so that is no longer available to download.
I wouldn't apologise too profusely kathy as I'll wager that no one downloaded it anyway, and even if they did the members here don't claim ownership of anything that doesn't belong to them anyway.
This is what pisses me off about modding games in the first place, you have a games company giving as much helpful information to us as they can for free and some one comes along and does a few little edits and then write protects their piss ant little mod.
Well all I can say to that is if GPG had done the same no one would have been modding anything, I couldn't give a rats ass if a mod is write protected or not, if it is it gets binned if it isn't then the files get checked for compatibility and more often than not that mod gets binned as well.
I just shake my head at the way some modders have treated with disdain the generosity of GPG, you other members might not agree with me but I couldn't give a flying **** about that, and there ends my thoughts on the issue.
i know i didnt download it cause just now reading this...i will test the camo on a ds issued armor if i ever get myself away from swtor long enough that is, was just throwing the camo out there to see if it could be done, i think most of the ds original armor is ugly so it nice seeing new works for this game. and i can understand not wanting people to have access to their works, there was a time i saw my mods on sites that i didnt upload too, and i got bitter and started making eulas that barred distribution and such.