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First off, let me say this has nothing to do with Kathycf. Certainly meant no offense to anyone.
There is here a misconstrued notion. I am in total agreement about sharing one's work, either minuscule work, or lengthly works and projects. And freely.

I truly never thought what I do as a possession,
or my right to do with one way or another.
Also I have never given that impression. Ever.
Once I had a bad experience with somebody who did modify my mods, replaced my own mods with a replacement, that caused the mod to no longer work.
Which made me shaky from then on.
And ONLY.... I repeat ONLY THEN, did I start ticking the protection flag on the tanks. Which I have said very plainly before.
But that has nothing to do with any sense of ownership or control. But I know that some people have a tendency to insist beyond this revelation.
I bare to you all my feelings.

And will repeat that I wish I did not EVER have to tick the protection flag on tanks.

And will repeat again that I am willing to offer all I can in help if somebody wanted to learn what I do.

Which is more then compensation for ticking the protection flag. That way whatever new creation somebody makes is one with a different NAME then what my mod uses.
That’s all I wanted protected. The NAME of the files of the mod.

Nothing else. Just the NAME.

Not the textures, shapes of the meshes, or anything else. Just the NAME.

Because knowing the name can cause the disruption I had to deal with before. We still have words exchanged but it is a private matter. It is a precaution. Is it an overzealous precaution? Yes it is, at first glance. But you just can't imagine the crazy nerd war.
None of what I do, or am doing, is important. It was a very silly simple thing.
Not something grandiose. Not something deserving scrutiny. It was merely, simply, minuscule a privacy matter. Nothing more. Not for any other reason but a privacy matter. Privacy.
Not some control freak over usage rights or copyrights or whatever term that is being generated for this social execution.
Privacy in such a way that any message this long I feel is really unnecessary and then so embarrassing to have to make. But make I have to, apparently.
I also have a good solution now to the issue, if anybody wishes to partake in it.
Anything I use in my mods, I can just make a duplicate WITH A DIFFERENT NAME! and then PM you the item. It is much more then any of the older modders gave to me.
AND I WOULD EVEN PREFER NOT TO HAVE CREDIT ATTACHED TO THE ITEM. That way there wouldn't have to be post like this.
Doesn't that sound like a desirable thing on my part?
(maybe if somebody is hell-bent on making sound as such)
But nobody has ever requested my help.
But truly it is unfair to pick it apart when I have more then made myself available beyond ticking the protection flag on the tanks.
Not one who hides there talents from others.
When I released the stat potions for Lazarus, people wanted to know how to do it for Dungeon Siege.
I didn't know how then. But I went ahead and found out. And released the stat potion for Dungeon Siege.
You know what? Suddenly nobody wanted to know how to do it anymore. No matter. I went ahead and told everybody.
Is that somebody who feels entitled? Is that somebody who feels they have to keep things from people.
I hate long explanations too, but it has to be said. To summarize:
I am truly honored that Kathycf found a use for the mesh. I meant no offense to anyone. And I never sought to keep my work from people. I have always offered my help.
Siegetheday has always been a source of pleasure for me, and surely for anyone else. I hope the forum gets fixed though some day.
I went to make an exit because it was a very small and simple precaution. A stepping aside. Not some slamming the door exit with implications. It had love and respect. Getting out before bad blood gets advertised. One can go on to invent or invite the notion perhaps. Too late? Well seems I can do nothing else about it.
I love and respect siegetheday. A wonderful place with modders interested in Dungeon Siege. I don't think there is anywhere else where DS modders came talk shop.
Gmax is primitive but it may be the only tool we have to insert 3D meshed into Dungeon Siege. Maybe someday somebody can write a script for modern programs that can handle the Bones and even animations! I hope someday somebody takes up this task.
Please forgive the long post. I certainly don't like making them.