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kathycf wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean by this Moros. Go all the way as in populating entire landscapes or something? I'm sure I can do a Sugar Plum fairy. You would much rather have sugar plums than a nutcracker, right? OHMYGOSHTHATWASTERRIBLYRUDEOFME!! Forgive me, my friend.


Hmmmmm, "Go all the way" that doesn't sound like what I meant it to sound like, what I meant was you can summon a fairy at the start and let it gain experience in magic but without it being a party member, that sounds better doesn't it?.

Oooooo sugar plum fairies and nutcracker should never be in the same sentence unless there's a ballet dancer performing, it was suite of you to mention it though.

I'm sure that you mentioned once that you had a few years of ballet lessons under your tutu kathy, that wouldn't be you in the video by any chance would it?.