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bare_elf wrote:
Think you might have left something out in it's template like the arrow. LOL A very nice package of spells and bows

Thank you for testing the mod out elfy. Smile Much appreciated.

You are correct, I forgot to include the loa fire arrow ammo template itself. In earlier versions of my mod I had remembered the arrow template and if I recall correctly, that enabled things to work properly in DS1. I included everything else in this version except the ammo template. d'oh! So I guess the fire bow becomes a nice garden accessory in DS1.

I modified Heroes.gas since this is still a testing version of the mod and it just makes it easier for me to test if I have the bows "pre-loaded". When doing my testing, several bows were being sold by Jonn at the Black Hammer Forge in Stonebridge. Further testing at vendors shows the bows to be confined to lower level to a few mid level shopkeepers. I haven't played a long enough game to see if it drops as loot, but I suspect it will.

Did you like the "bow strength" spell? I mean, I like it but how useful is it in the long run? It is based on "Charged Fist" which always seemed silly to me since it was a self buff only. Bow Strength can be cast on all party members.

So anyway, still some wrinkles for me to iron out.

DS1 girl wonders where to put this garden...thing.

LoA expansion girl likes toasting Krug.