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Okay, that was an interesting video, especially the scorpion bit. The critter itself is even sort of cute, but that demonic fricking howl? WTF. I bet Robbie Burns would lose his shit over that particular beastie. I don't really know why the mouse made me freak out. I had not seen one in a long time, coupled with the fact that they are so fast and small. Just ugh, creepy. Plus mice and other rodents poop just about constantly. Disgusting.

The foliage is almost gone by, but there are still splashes of color. Fire bushes don't grow around here as far as I know but the Burning bushes are still pretty. Probably not for long as we've had a few nights below freezing.

bare_elf wrote:

Mousies do come in to escape the cold weather. That is one reason I might put on panties do not want them going in any hole they might find when I am not wearing pants.

I wouldn't worry too much Lili. Most mousies are afraid of pussy "cats". Tongue