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Moros wrote:

You're not a royal insider as yetkathy, note the word yet, or you would know that the Royal Family never let a good grudge go to waste, its passed down the family line like a badge of honour to be fulfilled whenever the opportunity arises. King George didn't let that Boston Tea Party grudge go to waste either, he used the attack by British troops on Washington D.C to burn the White House down in retaliation for that little shindig you yankees had in Boston.

But Moros, I think it's a pretty common trait for lots of people to hold grudges. Not just those royal folk. I mean, I still remember the post that you made that mocked my youtube videos. I remember that like it happened just last week! So angry! Angry Crazy

Oh, um... Never mind.


My ex father in law actually called me a Yank, right to my face. He was a peach, that one.