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Unable to select character file in MP

Would someone be able to venture a guess as to why a character file (i.e., [character name].dsparty) is not visible when selecting a character to play in multiplayer mode? I experienced a black screen when playing solo in Utraean Peninsula (Volcanic Caverns). I (stupidly) Alt-TABbed to see something in another app and that's when it went black. After I rebooted, I was no longer able to select my level 55 character.

Put an other way: other than the aforementioned file, what else needs to be in place (*.gas file? config?) in order to have a valid character? Perhaps the crash changed something important.

The MP character file is only 11KB, whereas a SP save file is around 275KB (at very beginning of LoA). Significant? No doubt the SP file has more context to save, more than just the character itself.

I should mention: stock OEM discs DS LoA with latest patch, no mods.

Thanks muchly