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Lets see, consider that done!! I will try to add an npc who sells ranged weaponry and swords. Also, I will try to add in a hireable npc along the journey to this shop. I can write a backstory for an NPC partner/party member he or she may have things to do as well in Dromnar perhaps concerning some politics or other Kingly duties serving the royals who are "securing" the realm.. haha

What is the point of the Aeonoth Ruins
Submitted by bare_elf on Thu, 2022-09-15 21:45
I could not find any quests and I played the section twice. Is it just a place to kill things. If that is the point then I guess it is okay. I would for sure play it again if there was a reason to go there other than killing things. How about an NPC that needs saving then hire them.

The Aenoth Ruins as I remember there were two minions doing Lozules bidding named Droorgoth and somebody else.. cant recall.. the Aenoth Ruins were significant to the map as it was the first time I imposed a dragon/mini dragon/drakes/mini drakes-- Mesolanthus as a particular "boss" in the map.. so I was trying to build the impression that the adventurerer was on a raid with his or her party and I tried to create the illusion that if not defeated, there would be more trouble ahead...

I tried to balance out the difficulty of the map by adding these regions to prepare the player for harder roads ahead.

King Baneth
Submitted by bare_elf on Sat, 2022-09-17 02:05
We made it to Thornvale and met King Baneth. He wants to close the pits. Left Thornvale and entered the forest. Wandered around and now we find ourselves on the Bostonian Plane

After Thornvale the player should proceed somehow to Greydrak Horror.. it is the so called 2nd pit in the map...

The Greydrak Horror can be found by taking a LEFT TURN once inside the new Forests (called Tyramoss Wilderness) beyond Thornvale..

the left turn is very important.. do not miss Greydrak Horror!!