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There's only one playthru on youtube and it's in Russian:
Also the displayed texts are in Russian so you don't understand anything (except if you know Russian, obviously).

The dsmap comes with a little readme and NO dsres file. Red flag imho. Among other things, it means no own moods (fog, weather, music) and no own talk skrits (no conversations change after a quest is fulfilled).
(No own talk skrits also means that conversations are broken when you recruit companions, but this map doesn't have any.)

The map is set to be for level 55, the multiplayer start positions don't have additional level requirements, so all three are available from level 55.
Also, the map is available for singleplayer. This is obviously an oversight because you will die as soon as you meet your first enemy.

The map contains 6 regions with reasonable sizes:
- my_house: "The Notch", the starting area and the canyon where you meet the first enemies. Red lighting. In the canyon, the map splits into two halves, the byway & desert to the left, the swamp & forest to the right.
- the_ancient_byway: Broad path with Seck assaulting a Gypsy caravan. Red Lighting.
- enkiras_tomb: A dungeon.
- desert: Big desert with a Mucosa-infested oasis and a hostile Droog village. Yellow lighting.
- the_dismal_mire: Swamp region leading from the canyon to the forest. Green Lighting. Contains a big island to the side that you can raid.
- mystery_forest: Big forest with two fortresses to raid, a bandit fortress and town that you have to re-capture from marauding Seck. Blue lighting.

Another red flag is that the starting area looks like straight out of the Siege University 100 tutorial:

The map contains one teleport, which leads from the byway to the forest.
This is probably to speed things up a little when going from one side of the map to the other. A nice addition; however I think it could be improved. Maps should be either linear (with no backtracking required), or if they're open-world they should be well interconnected to avoid walking long distances. For example, there could have been a connection from the end of the desert into the forest.

I get the impression that the first version of the map contained the byway and the desert, and was then extended with the swamp and then the forest, and the teleporter was added as an afterthought.

More impressions from first look:
- The map contains no lore (without a dsres there are obviously also no own lorebook templates defined), but a considerable amount of quests.
- The map does not have multiple world levels (regular/veteran/elite), instead contains some regular and veteran enemies and mostly elite enemies. This is probably not much fun right at level 55, but a bit further up.