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I dont know how good a tuturial this is but it is what I come up with in a couple minutes. I think I wrote a better one back on SiegeNetwork but it would take longer to find it than to just slap this one up.

volkan wrote:
sjr wrote:
Otherwise you really can use just about any image for moving armors. Let me make a quick gif to show what I mean.

How about a tutorial on how to create a GIF image. I'd love to learn how to do that.

A gif is fairly easy to make, though you will need some program that can do it. The first step I do is just find a nice place to pose for a picture then type in +movie and then when I want it to stop I type in -movie. If you dont type in the -movie it will end at near 1000 images. The game will run extremely slow while it is in the movie mode. Basically what it is doing is taking non stop screen shots for (I think) 30 seconds of game time.

Then I open all the images I want to use in a image editor application (in my case I use Paint Shop Pro) and resize the images and change them to jpegs so they are not the giant 3.75mb bmp files I get from taking screenies (running at 1280x1024 creates big files). The images in this gif are at 25% size (320x256).

I then open the Animation Shop that comes with Paint Shop Pro, create a new image using the 320x256 size, insert all the images I am going to use, and then save as a gif.

Of course the more images you use or the larger you make it the bigger the end gif format will be. The image I attached here ends up being about 4.5mb.

You will end up with something like so:

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