So to sum it up, I would like to know if anyone out is interested in discussing a compilation mod of DungeonSiege Tactics. I have the hosting available, but would really love to find like minded individuals who can help me bring this about.
Hosting is not a problem here, we have a lot of space and bandwidth available. And your idea sounds interesting. DS1 is a really good game, haven't played it in a while though, and I would love to see more DS1 resources here. Let me know if there is anything you need for this project of yours.
Hello there sol77,
It's good to hear about the bandwidth, I just wasn't sure since I didn't see very many hosted here so I thought I would offer. I should start a new thread for this with more details, but basically I'm looking to gather up all the of the tactical of mods created for DS1. I have a small list that I run already, but I know not all work well together which lead me to this idea for a compilation. I'm looking for people interested in what some familiar with AD&D or Diablo may consider hardcore style of play as well as anything that ups the level of team competitiveness and overall tactical experience. I know this may not be the most popular idea within the rpg community of DS, but I feel it's definitely worth a shot to see who out there's really interested.
'Tis all a Checker-board of Nights and days where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates and slays, and one by one back in the Closet lays.
-- Omar Khayyám (1048 – 1123)
Hello there sol77,
It's good to hear about the bandwidth, I just wasn't sure since I didn't see very many hosted here so I thought I would offer. I should start a new thread for this with more details, but basically I'm looking to gather up all the of the tactical of mods created for DS1. I have a small list that I run already, but I know not all work well together which lead me to this idea for a compilation. I'm looking for people interested in what some familiar with AD&D or Diablo may consider hardcore style of play as well as anything that ups the level of team competitiveness and overall tactical experience. I know this may not be the most popular idea within the rpg community of DS, but I feel it's definitely worth a shot to see who out there's really interested.
'Tis all a Checker-board of Nights and days where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates and slays, and one by one back in the Closet lays.
-- Omar Khayyám (1048 – 1123)