This computer's setup does not support instancing. How can I tell what is installed, and is there any way up upgrade via internet?
I'm not sure (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but I believe instancing is something hardware related. From a SupCom demo thread on the GPGarage:
* Nvidia 5xxx version cards do not work in the demo. This is NOT a bug. You need an Nvidia Geforce 6xxx+ (or an ATI branded card of similar power) or you will be unable to play this game. Nvidia Geforce 5xxx card's do not support hardware instancing which is required by the Demo. Support for 5xxx card's has been discontinued since Beta 44.
Oh, and welcome to SiegeTheDay there Roland.
I'm not sure (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) but I believe instancing is something hardware related. From a SupCom demo thread on the GPGarage:
Oh, and welcome to SiegeTheDay there Roland.