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if im reading the liscense agreement right, sega dont allow mods Tongue

(f) reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of the Game Software, in whole or in part (except as the applicable law expressly permits, in which case all and any lawful modifications, adaptations, improvements, etc., and all copyrights and morale rights therein, shall be deemed assigned to, and shall belong to, vest in and be the exclusive property of Sega and/or its licensors on creation, in any event);

(g) remove, disable or circumvent any security protections or any technical measures that control access to the Game Software;

(h) remove, modify, deface or circumvent any proprietary notices or labels contained on or within the Game Software;

(i) export or re-export the Game Software or any copy or adaptation in violation of any applicable laws or regulations; or

(j) create data or executable programs that mimic data or functionality in the Game Software.

furthermore after untanking the resource files i notice they have changed the gas structure, so they must have made a new siege editor when they created this game. at first i thought this game needed modded but after reading the liscence and looking at the file structure, i have decided i wont be modding this game. the game only last 10 hours anyways, so not much to be gained