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Telling your friends about your mods - well if you need that little amount of attention... Wink
Of course a modder publishing his mods likes that they get played, however 'vocal mod propaganda' will mean you mainly pinp the game for your own interests and not because it is basically a recommandalbe game.
So i just hope your friends will like the game with and witout mods otherwise you will make yourself a bit ridiculous wasting a lot of time for an unrespected game. :-o


Generally i guess many peoplr here only want to see the positive side of modding - if it only had positive ones.

Creative mods really may increase the chance that a game will be replayed, however i also think that some mods - specially cheat mods - 'help burning' the game and reducing the total gaming duration becuause all/more is possible at once.

Thus only (balanced) maps can bind people on a game for longer periods (as with DS1). But mods alone are very two-edged, in particular if you easily can export a cheated chars into muliplayer mode then a notable number of players will stop playing early because of the unfair situation.

Well of course i like modding and could even imagine to make some futuristic mods for Space Siege too, but i just doubt that GPG won't be capable to create a good modding concept without the general disadvantages we have seen for DS1 and DS2 - i guess GPG has recognized this themself and that's why i fear they could cancel the modability. Sad