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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

ghastley wrote:
It's not quite a preset character, just a preset name, and a preset start point. It sounds like there's a lot of opportunity to rebuild what you start with into something else.

DS1 started with a preset 10,10,10 farmer. You got to choose gender and skin because you couldn't change them later, but class and skills were all left to develop as you wish. Hair, shirt and pants disappeared as soon as you found a helmet and armor, so most of your initial picks didn't last long (even if they did re-appear on respawn in DS2).

I dunno, Ghastley. I find it difficult to imagine a character named "Seth Walker" being either female or an alien. Which means the character is a male human, and that's what you're stuck with, at least in SP mode. Are you suggesting that there will be means of altering that status in-game (such as technology, artifacts, etc)? While I can imagine such things altering the character's gender with relative ease, we're talking mutagens or something like that in order to alter DNA sufficiently to change the character's race from human to Martian, Plutonian, or whatever alien races might exist in the game. But if such methods for changing the character will exist in-game, why even bother with limiting the name of the character to "Seth Walker?"
