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Gurus Miniguns


<=-=> Guru DS2 Mods <=-=>
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This mod is 1.0 on release, it offers up 5 Miniguns for Dungeon Siege 2. This mod will not conflict with other mods,
unless they offer miniguns. This mod is unprotected so feel free to change it up , just give some gurucredit Wink

Most of the skrits were there but I made the lightning and flamethrower ones as the dev ones were horrid and crash to desktop.

Lightning Gun - shoots lighting coated grenade size balls in a huge line.
Chicken GUn - shoots double sized chickens at a very slow fly rate. Chicken attacks enemy.
Grenade Launcher - shoots Large Single SHot Grenades
Flamethrower - shoots black and fire coated cannonballs in a huge line.
Dragon MiniGun - shoots arrow/bolt sized projectiles at enemy at high rate of speed.

Enjoy these and feel free to post on the site for feedback, updates to this and the other great mods!

Usage : Add the ds2res file to your Game directory at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources.

Removal : Remove the items from your gear, delete the mod file from your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\Resources.