I like very much this small map. My dearest wish is that I would like someone to convert this file to ds2res. Take your time. And may the God of Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 (and also 3) help you in your approach... The thanks will come when I see the converted file lol
put the setitem.dsres in the dsloa directory where you installed the game.
delfaut location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege
this will only work with loa the expansion
this should work with most mods
wont work correctly with the prev version
just delete the dsres file
known bug
the quest might not tell you its updated when you pick up the nuke
that bug is a dsloa bug wait for ms to release a patch for the quest update bug in dsloa
reporting bugs
just post here on the comments page
version history
replaced statue with pressure pad because trigger not always went off
1.4a final
fixed the conversion bug with kronus
1.4 final
fixed a starting location bug so it displays the correct level required to join there (error scine 1.4 beta)
fixed a trigger so it will go off right(error scine 1.4 beta)
fixed mood change so it changes right(error scine 1.4 beta)
1.4 beta
all actors now use custom templates
a new boss area
three diffuclty setings
the backsmith in set item armory now sells elite items
added barrels with super potions in them
fixed the ai
chickens drop better loot now
added quests to help you get into elite area
elite chickens drop a surpise now
fixed the rest of the fade problems
fixed some fade issules
for some reason not posted