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Toturial/notes tagging - opinions?

I'm posting this here because it deosn't really fit anywhere else.

I need some opinions on how best to tag the various tutorials and modding notes on my site. The problem is that some apply to a specific level of the game, some are more general and apply to everything from DS1 to BW, and some are in between. There are cases where a technique applies to all releases, but the example used to illustrate it is for a specific one.

I am considering adding to each page a small table to show how much it applies to DS1, LoA, DS2 and BW (should I include anything else?) but unsure what kind of values to put against each. A rating from 0-10? Yes/No/Maybe? Something else?

When I do this, I'll probably review each one to see if it can be made to apply to all versions of the game by adding a section on what to do differently for each, but obviously some things will depend on a feature being available in the engine. No Flick tutorials for DS1! But there are often cases where you can achieve the same things for DS1 and DS2, but you have to do it in another way. When it's a case of needing two pages on the same topic - the DS1 way and the DS2 way - I need a consistent way to link from one to the other, and that should be part of this tag.

All ideas welcome!

Sharkull's picture

Have a list of the game versions (DS1, LoA, DS2, BW) in each tutorial's preface and next to each have an "applicability" comment. For example:

DS1: This tutorial directly applies.
LoA: This tutorial applies, but some minor changes to the process are necessary.
DS2: This tutorial has applicable parts / concepts, but significant process changes are necessary.
BW: This tutorial is not applicable at all.

If you have a page with a tutorial specific to the version, a link included with the applicability comments would make sense. With minor differences, you could even describe / outline them directly in an appendix / sub-section of the tutorial, linked from the applicability comments...

I'm really looking for an "at a glance" way of letting people know which ones they want to go for. I'd put it on the page(s) that list them all as well as on the individual pages where there would be more explanation.

One idea I had was icons for each game in different colors according to whether the tutorial applied, so all green ones might mean it applied to everything. But I don't like using just color for that as some people are color-blind, so they'd have to be different in some other way.

Sharkull's picture

Well, you could always have the comments standardized, then in your at-a-glance list, colour code them.

DS1: This tutorial directly applies.
LoA: This tutorial applies, but some minor changes to the process are necessary.
DS2: This tutorial has applicable parts / concepts, but significant process changes are necessary.
BW: This tutorial is not applicable at all.

Tutorial Listing:
Creating a new armor skin (DS1,LoA,DS2)

(Then have a legend on the listing page, explaining the colours...).