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U5 Lazarus

Getting back to U5 Lazarus. Have to finish this fantastic remake. Made my own personalized character to make it more lifelike for me.


Did you smack on your own face? Smile

Do you mean I look like my face has been smacked on a bit? Know I'm ugly but.... :bat: ^^

Heheh. Yeah, that's a pic of me I made into my character. The Avatar's avatar is the one I made my character texture from.

Hey.. don't beat me up because of my poor English! Laughing out loud

But anyways, that looks cool. Does it raise the level of immersion? ^^

I'm hoping it will keep me engrossed in the game. I have a bit of an attention disorder because of my disability and find it difficult to stay focused on any one thing for extended periods and the Ultimas are notoriously long. Smile

I see, well best of luck with that. Smile
I remember playing Ultima 4 and it was simply superb.

Myself I'm still trying to get DS to run properly on my machine...