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"Re-Class" Mod for vanilla DS2 -- Is there one?

---[ P.S. ]---
Sorry I have not been much active lately.
If someone felt ignored, my sincere apologies to him/her.

---[ INTRO ]---
Hello everyone,

I have not forgot this website, but my health is not what it used to be and I have to account for it. I dislike it, but I must like it.
No point complaining.
So, in trying to make the best use of my time, I have started anew DS2 -- oh, I do other things too, do not worry. Computer is only part of my day.

I am short on time. So I jump to the point.
You can imagine or make up the missing details as an exercise.

---[ QUESTION ]---
Is there a Mod for vanilla DS2 (not BW) that takes all of the XP of a character and diverts it into 1 (one) single combat class of choice (ie. Melee)?
It would be much like a Re-Skill, but this is for the Combat classes... so a Re-Class Smile
This Mod would help distract people (like me, I suppose) to keep their characters into a Mono-Class Pristine State.
Why it always occurs to me that one/more of my character(s) at some point gets ruined by a misplaced click that makes him/her collect XP in the wrong combat class? I am tired of seeing that happen. And I thought that a Mod could easily address that -- and spare me from having to RESTART the game yet another time.

Is there one such Mod?

---[ THANKS ]---