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Are there people still Modding DS LOA??

I have several questions about the modding of the game. Althought the modding community seems pretty dead O.o or thye are just hiding dunno but ill ask anyways. Im basically wanting to combine some stuff for example. the Dungeon Siege Revived mod v9.1b for regular dungeon siege.. i want that extra stuff in DS LOA too! And if its possible to combine Legends Of Utrae with Ds Revived?? I hope someone can help.

I too am looking for modding information - any would be helpful. I would like to write a mod that speeds up spell casting recovery time (just a little). The only ones I have found that do this have all kinds of other stuff I don't want.

Have you tried opening the .dsres file up and scanning through it at all?

I would like to create a mod that finally put the Outro of LOA in french (instead of the spanish one that found its way into the french version of LOA)
I have noticed that the file "s_v_a9_therg_outro.wav" is actually in french but for obscure reasons (probably a hiccup in the code at the installation of the game) in the french version of LOA the spanish voice and cutscene plays, I assume that if the proper sound exist the proper cutscene exists too, but where to find it ? :
Language.dsres :
Expansion.dsres :
ExpVoices.dsres :
Can anyone find both the sound file and the cutscene file and put then on a new tank file (changing the names to fit the original files used actually sounding spanish) to replace the others ?