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Sol - Major Password Problems!!!

I got the email to activate the account, but it still won't let me sign in....!

Yeah, like I couldn't sign on no matter how hard I tried - So i did the I forgot my password thing.

I got an email, and used your activation link, which said it was activated. I signed in with the password that you gave me in the email but it didn't work!!!!!

This couldn't have happened at a worse time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna take a look. Hang on.

Send me an email.

It would help if you had your email listed in the member list so people can see what it is!

Sol, under any circumstances, DO NOT RESET MY PROFILE OR DELETE IT, YET.

I thought it was publicly listed.

I just created a new user logged out and asked for a new pass. Everything worked without any problems.

Try login in outside the masked url.

Masked URL?

I had an important Post Message....

If you could copy all of the text in it and email me the text, I'd be greatful. It's the one mentioning using a mod from someone...

I know you can access my PM's because I an admin at a different site, so if you could please do that for me, I'd be greatful.


Use and not . I don't know if it is a feature or bug with the new version of phpBB, but the site breaks out of the frame(that carries the url) it is in when you log in. Maybe that messes up up the session for some users? I can't see your PM:s with phpBB unless I open the database, and that one is rather big now so finding your pm would take time.

stupid site login thing wrote:
You have specified an incorrect or inactive username, or an invalid password.

Yeah - still no go...

The site I work at is phpnuke. I don't think the two are quite different.

In the admin Panel, go to User Admin, then Private Messages Archive.

And put "LoneKnight" in the from tab. I imagine that it's something like that with yours.

This PM is very important and I need to get to it ASAP.

Oh, and the person in the "from" section should actually be Shocked, and LoneKnight should be in the "to" section.

Sorry but phpBB doesn't have anything like that.

Check your mail.

Any luck?

LoneKnight's picture


EDIT: Thanks so much for your help, Sol.

You are welcome. I edited out your email so it isn't caught by a bot.