Simple modding question for a beginner
Submitted by Killik on Wed, 2012-08-15 16:12 | ||
Hi everyone. Not sure if this forum is still in heavy use, since DS2 is pretty old by now, but hoping I could get some help. I found a mod online to increase the size of my party for all difficulties, but I can't find any instructions anywhere on what to do with the download. I downloaded the Siege Editor II, and the 2.2 Patch, but it really seems like you need some programming knowledge to get anywhere with adding a mod. I just need to know where to cut and paste the code, or where to input the .flick information. The official tutorial gets pretty deep pretty quickly, but all I need is where to put the code. Thanks. forums: |
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Well first let me say that this site and the forums are active. In fact we are working on converting several DS1 maps so they play using DS2. Killik it would be very useful to know what mod you are having trouble with because there are mods that are specific to DS1 and others that are specific to DS2. DS1 mods will always end in DSRES or DSMOD and ones for DS2 and Broken World will end in DS2RES or DS2MOD. You should not require Siege Editor to use a mod, but it is a nice tool to have. So give us a bit more detail and I am sure one of us will be happy to help.
Ooh, excellent, thanks!
The mod is for DS2. It's a simply party expansion mod.
The file I downloaded has some .flick files, which I assume are for the editor, and a DS2RES file, which of course windows won't let me view until it finds the correct program.
First can you tell me the NAME of the mod. Second the a file ending in ds2res goes in the DS2 resources folder. If you can not look at the file how do you know there are .flick files in it? or are they a separate file or files in the download. Just as a reference a very good mod for allowing you to have all six party slots enabled at all game levels is called six slots. It is on the site look here
I found it, thanks very much. While I've got you, is there a way to make all the characters available at the start, maybe in the inn, or something, rather than gradually recruiting them all?
Welcome Killik to Siege the day.
to answer the question.... No, some are quest related - Vix, Finalla, Sartan, Eva and Taar, so will have to recruit them when u get them, however if u need some more mercs b4 u get em u can always hire pets from petshop to help, unfortunately the combat mage pets aren't available till act 2.
Thanks, mate. I've actually been playing DS2 for years and years. I've gotten all the way to Veteran difficulty at least twice. I was hoping to do a playthrough starting with six characters, and a pick from all of them. A downside I've always had is that whenever I get to new characters in the game, my current party already have way more skill points, so there's never a reason to switch. Just hoping to have my pick of all of them at the start, but I guess I could wait if no mod exists.
To clarify, is there a mod that makes all characters available at the inn in Eirulan from the start?
What Darkelf was trying to point out was that attempting to do that in a mod would break the quests for those characters, so nobody's done so. It also creates a lot of conversation problems if characters that aren't supposed to be there start talking to each other about quests you haven't found yet.
I can't recall any mods that add additional characters (without conflicting quests), but that would be the only way to start with a full party. You wouldn't get any in-party banter from them unless the mod-maker created it.
I see. Yeah, I definitely considered that as a problem with modding it. Or whether or not it would glitch if characters were both in the inn and on the road somewhere. I thought maybe it could be dealt with like BW does it where you can just recruit a different version of the same character. Again, not a problem. When I finally get Finala, she'll be a few points behind everyone, but at least she can level up over all three difficulties once I have her. Thanks again.
BW does indeed do that for each of the 3 playthroughs, and have to release current to get the newer versions, also should release anyways each playthrough cause the mercs in ds2 for example get different spells for like vet and elite.
as for Finala, just put her in inn and after u get i think its either 3 or 5 levels ahead she levels up automatically. that 3-5 levels can be modded down to 1 level behind in a mod., not sure but think Killer Gremal did such thing with his mod but not sure.