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[DS1] The Land Of Hyperborea

Another siegelet from the brilliant Xaa - this is one crazy game….!!

Don’t expect to complete this one in a hurry.. I’ve got one game save at 42 hours and I’m still trying to figure it all out.. (- that probably says more about me, though! Ha, ha!) Laughing out loud

It’s a tale full of tricks and mystery – with a plot that’ll have you tearing your hair out..
..and some very strange, exotic characters!

(left-click image to enlarge)

… incidentally, Xaa’s website is well worth a visit - there are lots of stories to read..

I’m sure he’d be pleased to hear from you.. :yahoo:

Sharkull's picture

LoH is simply a masterpiece. I've played it quite a few times... (mostly SP, but I simply had to try a Valkyrie char. :P ).

It is difficult to start off, but with a few tricks things get easier. Smile

BTW, watch out for that guy holding a stick behind T'vril (in your pic). Unlocking an easter egg / not-so-secret secret, he can pack quite a wallop with that thing... :twisted:

LoneKnight's picture

Yeah, that village idiot turns into quite a monster. *Wink Wink*.

Yes, this was Xaa's masterpiece. Much more interesting than MageWorld in my opinion.

Nothing is as it seems in this game.. you have to closely study the readme that comes with the installation to get the full picture - in fact, its quite an entertaining read in it's own right..!!

The "race" issue adds a new dimension to the tactical play - for instance, T'Vril can't enter the Inn in the right background.. she'd be attacked immediately by the clientele, and the shopkeeper on the left refuses to deal with her, as well - this leads to some knotty problems during quests!

You can use crafting skills as well as magic.. sometimes in combination, to create new objects and spells.. and, while it's not as well developed as the crafting system in Mageworld, it's very ingenious..

There's an awful lot going on "underneath" the game that adds an extra level to the gameplay, and it certainly taxes the old grey matter in a way that other games don't.. really is a most intriguing sieglet/mod!


In the Single Player game, you have to split your party a few times, or use stealth/invisibilty to sneak a party member past the guards. Choosing between those two is part of the fun.

Since you have a skelly minion, you're clearly past the quest to visit the school of magic for T'vril to get "trained". Did you send her in alone, or cloak your main char?

P.S. look out for the Illuminati (and the transform spell) - that was one of my first models for DS1.

Kilarin's picture

I enjoyed LOH so much I played it through 3 times. Only played DS1 once, and couldn't finish LOA.

LOH has story, characters, interesting places, interesting things, excitement. LOH is an incredible ride.

LoneKnight's picture

Blondin wrote:
you have to closely study the readme that comes with the installation to get the full picture - in fact, its quite an entertaining read in it's own right..!!

Yeah, I found that too, but I thought I was the only one who did find it funny. Hahaha. How interesting. Yes, it's informational and a good read, a groovy combination.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Hey all.

I finally got around to downloading this a while back, having wanted to try it out for some time, and I started off in MP. My main goal was to get to somewhere, of course, but before that, I had to level enough to be able to survive the trip (or kill enough deer to pay for the stealth skill, or both - I chose both), and levelling was no easy task. But eventually, I managed to visit several places outside the Black Forest. So much for the background.

A couple of nights ago, I decided to read up on what's been said about LoH on the various sites devoted to DS and DS modding. Among other things, I read Xaa's thread over on Siege Network, and I'm wondering if some of the quests must be unavailable in MP, since Dalar is dead in MP and he's the one who gives you some of the early quests.

Should I go back and start in SP instead, or what? If Dalar's dead, will all the other quests activate without the ones from him? The only quest I have received so far is for the Heart Bow. Do I need to go back and do the Hammer of Thunder first? Is there some other quest I need to find before the Hammer of Thunder? In short, what should I be doing first, or do I just wander around and talk to people until a random quest activates (and if so, can I still do the earlier quests afterwards)?

I have made it to Hamlin and Stonegate and Tir Asleen and the Incabulos Forest. No mean feat, but I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing there (except for the Hammer in Khaza Duun and the Bow in Tir Asleen, and I haven't figured out how to get the Hammer quest yet, having not explored Khaza Duun enough, I suppose). I was told in Hamlin, by the Blind Witch Delilah, that I needed to go to Tir Asleen, but having arrived there, I didn't get any "training," other than the availability of scrolls and other things associated with my "chosen path" (so to speak).

BTW, if it helps anyone answer my questions, my character is a female Light Elf, primarily a Nature Mage and pursuing Druidism as a main path or whatever you want to call it, level 40-something (and she was started as a new character in LoH and has only been played in LoH).

I like the siegelet, there are some interesting storylines I've noticed so far, and the inclusion of the Bifrost Bridge to Asgard is very cool. The concepts involved in the social situation are also interesting, and the crafting thing is cool, too. But HELP! I'm lost and I don't want to do the Heart Bow quest first if it's going to screw something else up that I was supposed to do earlier.


PS - I saw mention of a Darkling mod for LoH over on Siege Network, too, although the Readme insists that LoH was intentionally designed not to work with mods. Is there a Darkling mod that works in LoH with no issues, and if so, has anyone done an inventory mod that will work there? The inventory increase is practically a necessity; the amount of room allotted by the un-modded game is pitifully small. I use backpack 109 in DS 1, and Zhixalom's in DS LoA and DS II, and have been quite pleased with the increase in inventory space (and yes, I know about the Gnome and other minions who can carry stuff for me, but still, it would be very nice to have an inventory mod that works in LoH --- no offense, Xaa; as you said, such a mod is fairly innocuous, so I'm not sure why it's not allowed or wasn't already built in).

Thanks again.

I can only answer some of that but. Yes some quests are only available in sp, so starting up a sp game would be a good idea. You will understand more about the world in LoH if you do.
And the darkling mod was designed to work with LoH. Don't recall who made it though.

Kilarin's picture

Should I go back and start in SP instead

Yes! You are doing it backwards! Smile
The STORY works properly in SP. Start a SP character, build them up all the way through all of the quests, and beyond. THEN you can import that character to MP and continue from there.

But you haven't wasted your time. It can take several starts just to get the hang of LOH, since it is a very different style of play from plain vanilla DS. Your new SP character will do MUCH better now that you have some experiance in LOH.

And you are going to ENJOY SP. it's a STORY, and a fun one.

You can get the Heart Bow quest and the Hammer quest in mp. Also you can go everywhere in mp that you can in sp. There are a couple quests you cannot get. Though I guess for sure I wouldnt know since I never played LoH through in sp further than about level 10-15. It is way tooo slow. But I have maxed out in mp, more than once. The only ds1 maps I played all the way through in sp are Abstraction (12-15hours) and the xp mod that MS/DS put out, but that only takes maybe an hour if you go slow.

LoneKnight's picture

Stupid question: What's abstraction about? It's on my list of siegelet's to play.

..Hyperborea is a crazy place!!

(left-click the image to expand..)

"OK, Dalar - let's have it ..spill the beans!!"

- a lonely Ice Mage lives here, on top of a mountain!

- but things are hotting up - the plot's unfolding.. Smile

..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!