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Modify existing levels --- it is possible ?


(Sorry, english is not my native language) Hi I found dungeon siege 2 lately. I consider it fantastic. However, when I playing with expansion, it was sloppy for me. The levels was "empty". I'm not familiar with modding. So, I wonder if it possible to modify existing levels, removing parts, moving parts or adding trees or objects.


I am happy you found us and that you like playing dungeon siege 2. When you say expansion are you speaking of something in dungeon siege 2 itself or are you speaking of Broken World (which is technically an expansion of dungeon siege 2)? When you say levels where "empty" are you speaking of areas of the map or something else? As to your question about modding the answer is yes. Adding, removing parts is possible, adding new characters and objects such as chests, trees, buildings are all possible. However depending on what you wish to change, modify or correct the modification can be very simple to very complex. If you could explain in more detail or even upload a screen shot of the area you are talking about it would help greatly..


Thank you for your welcome !

Of course, I spoke of Broken World, I do not know why, but this expansion appears to be neglected. While producing original, Dungeon Siege 2, offered beautiful scenery, Broken World seemed to me sloppy, as if the time had failed. I do not know, it looks like only missing elements. Aman'lu is such a disappointment. The new hostel is so ugly... The scenery of the city lost its trees: it looks like an old beta version. There is so much repetitions in the textures of the dungeons. After so many quality, this misery hurt... For example, the sanctuary of Celeb'hel is so bland compared to the forest of Vai'lutra. Still, it seems a preliminary version. The only levels that I feel are worthy of producing of the original are the dungeons of familiar surgeons. And possibly, to a lesser extent, the section of the Vai'lutra forest burned leading to the Celennor wood and the automnal forest of the Dryad Outpost.

If I had the power, I'd keep the Aman'lu original and it add the output to the burned forest of Vai'lutra. The last act to play with surgeons and familiars only. It would confront matter Zaramoth Reborn in one of their dungeons or a third creates for the occasion. Otherwise, one could simply enrich the Broken World map, add missing elements, boxes, trees and all the missing stuff that give an impression of unfinished. New forest Vai'kesh are a good example. It's seems so different, disappointing, while having the same textures. But I don't know anything about modding work. These ideas may represent hundreds of hours of work. It's just my appreciation for the game and my humble opinion on what it would be fun to make.

Iverindor you are welcome. As it was explained to me in both the game literature and on various web sites the reason that the land in broken world looks as it does "sloppy" is because the last age has been destroyed and the remaining life is living in a world totally destroyed by the last battle in DS2.
Think of it like this, it would be like living in Europe, Russia and Japan at the end of World War II or any war that totally destroyed the landscape. You could add trees and better towns but it would in fact conflict with the story line of broken world.
