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An update on all things Medical

Squeamish alert.

Yea, so, most of the people who frequently visit IRC know about my "condition."

Well, Five weeks ago I went in for surgery. Before they started the doctors had to put an IV in. It took them 3 tries to stick the needle in on three different parts of my left and right arms, and that stuff hurts. Anyway, they put a catheter tube on the left side of my upper body that connects to one of the left arteries of my heart. A certain someone knows exactly where that is...even though, well nevermind.

Well 2 weeks after they put it in they did a culture on it (This is where they stick like 5 inch long Q-tips into the surgical area and move it around to pick up the blood and fluids, it hurts like hell), and it tests back positive for viral infection.

Woo-hoo, so I go into the hospital (time-span:two weeks ago), and they take it out, and put a temporary IJ in, which functions like a catheter except it is slightly easier to yank out of my neck and bleed all over the walls. Yea, that was a fun little episode, the problem with them putting the IJ in was that, well, I was awake the whole freaking time. They only used a mild sedative, which didn't knock me out, so I was aware the whole time that people were poking around in side of me. I really, really, don't like that.

So, the temporary one comes out (time-span: last friday, April 28th) and thankfully I was knocked out this time. Well as it turns out, the infection is not gone, so they cannot put the new "permanent" catheter where the old one was. So now they have to poke another hole into the *other* side of my body into the other artery (The temp one coming out and the new one going in was during the same time-frame).

So now I'm full of holes, and all the surgery in my neck has left me without feeling up there. So now the only way I know I'm being strangled or something is jutting deep into the back of my neck is when I start to lose conscious. Yay.

I'm not asking any of you people to feel sorry for me, nor am I asking you to give me anything of any kind. I am simply giving an update of long-drawn out medical complications to those who want to know. And for those of you don't know of earlier difficulties, and want to, join IRC and ask.

I really hate that culture thing, I'm sure I would hate the other stuff as well, since that hurts so freekin' much. I'm sorry you had to go through so much nastyness, and I hope you are doing much better now.

Sharkull's picture

Sounds rough. Best wishes, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Sharkull wrote:
Sounds rough. Best wishes, and I hope you're feeling better soon.
I'm *feeling* fine right now, but physically I'm not. Ya know. This isn't something you can cure either. Alport's

bleck, stupid thing logged me off

(Edited by Sharkull... to add in the "guest" post's contents in case you want to edit it later).

Hi Shocked:
I know we have only spoken a few times on IRC, but I am sorry to hear your health is not good right now. Take care and I hope things improve.

LoneKnight's picture

I've known of your condition for a while, but is it safe to say it's improving?

LoneKnight wrote:
I've known of your condition for a while, but is it safe to say it's improving?
Alport's syndrome isn't something that improves. It's a continually deteriorating disease, much like Alzheimer's. The only way to "fix" it is for a transplant, but within there are still many complications.

Damn genetic diseases Sad . I got one of my own as well. It's just hemophilia A. I suppose it will take it's toll later on. I already have arthritis in one of my knuckles from an injury. Not sure if it is that though but it always hurts. I assume I got blood in the joint. It's not too painful now.