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Gah! Stupidity!

Gah well while working on my New minimap/New mod, to go with it, I screwed up badly!

i was editing the max levels and stats for the Chars in the game so it would be alot funner than reaching boring old level 100, when i hit a major problem, apparently when you Extract using Tankviewer its diff from tank extractor, so when i went to tankcreator to put the file back in, it deleted all of the Files in the logicfolder, now I have to reload everything *sigh*
well just would likw to chare that with my fellow modders and posters :P

LoneKnight's picture

Poor fellow. Best of luck! Keep updates in.

Sharkull's picture

When I'm working on something, I only extract one file (gas, flick...) at a time. That way I'm sure that I don't overwrite anything accidently. If I want to extract a whole tank, or a large portion of one, then I pick an empty folder as the target.

I did it again guys! gah this time I meesed up sutmhing, okay while editing the skills i messed up, but was in to much of a happy mood to remember what i did, Could someone please post the stats of passive_skills.gas on here for me , Would appriciate it since, it wont start my game cause of this darn bug thanks :P

Somehoe, i just have a feeling this One fourm is gonna be my home for awhile ahah

Sharkull's picture

:? Why don't you use Tank Viewer 2 to take a look yourself?

I did shark :? but you see when i was editing it around i extracted to a diff folder to work with it, when I retanked it into the Logic.gas the game stoped working cause of a miscalculation, and i forgot the old numbers so im screwed

Sharkull's picture

Let that be a lesson then. Never play with GPG's tanks... it is never necessary. (Did I say never do it?). Never, never, never.

The best solution is to reinstall the game, and don't retank any of GPG's tanks. Leave them alone, except for extracting the data you want...

When you create a tank of your own, only include the files you've changed, and name the tank anything you want (it needs the correct file extension though). Tank priorities are set up such that user created tanks override what's in GPG's tanks automatically. You don't need to replace GPG's content... custom content works without the risk of corrupting the game's shipped resources.

Gah, Sorry shark didnt mean to make you mad bro, thats the last thing I want to happen, i reinstalled, But may i ask something, how do i create the files without changing the old files??

Im real sorry man real new to this, trying my best to learn

Sincerly Reaper

Sharkull's picture

I wasn't mad... only stressing a point. Smile (Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh... :oops: that was not my intention). I know it's not intuitive to leave GPG's tanks alone if you're new to DS modding... and I just wanted to be clear.

Use Tank Viewer 2 to extract the files you want to work with, and use your favorite text editor to make your changes. Next, to create a new tank is simple... using SE2. Have the files you want to tank within a folder, each file nested within it's correct internal directory position (the internal path must be the same as the original file's internal path, or your mod won't work). Then use the SE2 option to convert a folder into a ds2mod file... and use a file name of your choice. (If you're using the retail exe to play, or Elys' hack, then change the file extension to ds2res). Done.

Wow! thanks man!
this is great now i dont have to keep reinstalling hehe thanks Shark your teh best!