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Important Links For DS2 and Broken World.

Important Links For DS2 and Broken World.

These are what i use all the time was either annoying at googling the same things over and over again or searching threw my gazillion bookmarks, so i created a website, I may add more stuff to it and am open for suggestions.

Kdawg I added the link to your site to your post. As soon as I figure out how to do it I will add it to the main page here.


Thanks again your the best

nice site unfortunately now my eyes hurt from all the colors

I found the color scheme to make it easier to read the contents on the screen from the couch lol I've been adding links as i find them however, more will come etc, Possibly change the color scheme a bit maybe we'll have a vote on site. I was also thinking about making a mobile version of the site, however, I may need some help with that, My web based knowledge comes from the late 90's and early 2000's lol. But one can see what we can do possibly making different versions of the site etc.

I was debating whether to tone down the colors a bit but haven't fully decide it its open for debate.

1 Option I was thinking about was maybe making a black Border with a screen shot image in it. If you would like and example of what that will look like let me no. And i'll whip something up.