DSTK Problem, Cant Edit LoA Maps
Submitted by Kacper on Mon, 2014-07-07 11:48
I cant open ds loa maps and edit them. I used DSTK for editing ds maps but i cant open ds loa maps. There arent any weapons, armors, monster from expansion (in DSTK interface). Pls help me.
Type : Error
Module : C:\Program Files (x86)\DUNGEO~1\SiegeEditor.exe
Location : WorldMap.cpp line 3028 (at D:\work\ds1\dsx\DSLOAMOD\projects\tattoo\world\)
Fail Count : 1 (w:12, e:2, x:0)
Exe timestamp: Apr 14 2004 16:29:29
Error: could not find file 'Art\Terrain\Generic\Keep\t_xxx_keep_guard-tower-base-b.SNO' for mesh guid '0x0a0007d5' found at gas 'world:maps:map_expansion:regions:a0_r0_intro:index:node_mesh_index'! |
Welcome to Siege the Day
When DSTK is opening there are several errors that may crop up. However I am not the one to ask if this is one of those problems. When I wish to open (untank) a dsres or dsmap file I use tankviewer. When I wish to untank a ds2res or ds2map file I use tankviewer2. To close the file after editing I use TankCreator2 which can tank a file in either ds1/dsloa format or DS2/BW format. This works fine when editing or creating things like weapons, armor, spells, and characters. For actually creating or editing terrain and you will need the tool kit.
Some things you might tell us so that we can help you are the following.
What version of Windows are you running.
have you installed the patches for the game.
exactly where and when does the error you got happen. Before the main screen for the tool kit opens or while it is loading.
I am sure the next time iryan, killergermal, darkelf or one of the other map makers drop in they can help you a lot better than I can.
So, you tried opening LOA map with Siege Editor and it failed?
In "File" selection there is "Enable DSX specific features" which you need to have to have checked. If it is not enabled,you click on it, exit the editor, open it again and you should have no trouble.
Of course, I presume you haven't done so yet.