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What game is this?

I'm trying to figure out the name of this old RTS I saw gameplay of, in hopes of getting a copy and playing it.
The only feature I remember was an incredibly unique one (Haven't seen any other RTS do it) in that your individual units would get dynamic upgrades to their stats and even a visual change to reflect this. So say you have this soldier that survived a bunch of battles, well he'd be fully decked out in gold armor by that point. (I believe it was always gold armor).

I can't for the life of me figure out what it was called though. I want to say it was a game released around the same time as Age of Empires 1 or 2. I also want to say that it was a similar theme. That is, medieval or medieval fantasy. It might have been futuristic, but.. I dunno.
I have also pretty much ruled out Warcraft.

Any ideas?



I do not remember the name but I think it was a competitor to Age of Empires


@sig, think "Age of Empires competitor" and up comes Empire Earth - RTS, historical, all the way from ancient to futuristic, but I don't know its features.

Civilization III, also historical-based, all the way from ancient to modern does have units improving from regular status to veteran and then elite if they survive battles and win, but do they change appearance? Also, that is turn-based strategy not real time.

The settlers?

The Settlers reminds me the 'Cultures':

And a game very similar to Age of Empires was Age of Mythology: